Afro-American mainsteam history,was a slow process,coming into the spotlight at a snails pace.The same applies to Afro-American supernatural history.Not until it became relevant,it seeped into the conscieness of America.Now theres a black history month,and Universities offering degree's in black studies.
Theres an endless supply of untapped tales,from a people whose lifes have been personally touched.As a writer of horror tales,I see horror as a blending of a tragedy being unable to turn away.
Black American's have read about,experienced,or been told about horrifying tragedies from slavery until now.
Why Can't or Won't We Tell Our Stories?
Case and Point:
At the tender young age of thirteen,my conception of a black supernatural tale was beyond my imagination,growing up with Dracula,Frankenstein,The Mummy,The Wolfman.My limited thinking was;only white folks had these types of stories? We had horror stories,but they were tales of,black struggles,inner-city life's,drugs,pimps and prostitutes,black on black crimes.
Not until 1968,an unknown Director George Romero created a little low budget indie film,NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD.A film that rocked the foundation of my closed world,with the casting of a non-stereotypical black American character in the lead role.The late actor Duane Jones,in a horror film that has become a cult classic.
It was a modern day tale of horror,blended in with authenic tragedy.
Why can't we WRITE,PRODUCE,DIRECT,these types of tales depicting non-stereotypical afro-american storylines?
Case and Point:
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